Plazma Burst 2 Map Editor Wiki

Gravitator area tool - Gravitator area.
- Name - The name, # is required first symbol.
- Speed X - Adding speed got the object along the axis X (in 1 / 30 sec).
- Speed Y - Adding speed got the object along the axis Y (in 1 / 30 sec).
- Stability Hurt - Stability damage (0 - no stability damage, 100 - Character falls. Intervening values are allowed).
- Damage - Damage in 1 / 30 sec.
-Level Editor Manual

A Pusher is also called Gravitator area


In the Map Editor the pusher is green in the game the pusher is invisible

Speed X:If you type in for example 0.5 or 1 the Player who will enter in the pusher will go right with the Speed you typed in (0.5 or 1) and if you type in a number with a - in front for example -0.5 or -1 the Player who will enter in the pusher will go left with the Speed you typed in (-0.5 or -1)

Speed Y:If you type in for example 0.5 or 1 the Player who will enter in the pusher will down up with the Speed you typed in (0.5 or 1) and if you type in a number with a - in front for example -0.5 or -1 the Player who will enter in the pusher will go up with the Speed you typed in (-0.5 or -1)

Is very easy follow the arrows for example Y=Down If you type in Speed Y : 0.5 the player who will enter in the pusher will go down (Y) and if you type in -0.5 It will go up (-Y) same to X but X is right and with a - is left


Damage: Here you can make the pusher hurt the Player that will enter in it

For example if the Player has 300 health and the you typed in the Damage: 1

The player will die in 10 seconds

1=30 Damage

2=30 Damage




10=300 Damage because 30 X 10 =300




100=3000 Damage

And if you want to kill the Player type in 999 (Not working if the player is God)

Secret: Typing a simple number will just kill the Player but it still can be healed

if you type a number with a - in front for example -1 or -15 the pusher will split the player in half when it health reaches 0 and after this the player can't be healed
